Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunny Days, Chasing the Clouds Away

Okay, 6 people read this, quick: I'm almost at 1800 page views! :)

Since vacationing in warm locations a few times, moving to a less-humid city, and losing some extra weight so I feel comfortable wearing less clothing, I've been enjoying the warm weather a lot more. I still don't like to sweat, so the extreme heat isn't exactly welcomed. I do, however, enjoy 20-25 degree warm days in our backyard.

Paul sure made us a nice deck. The sun comes up on that side of the house in the morning so you can sit outside with cup of coffee and soak in the warm rays. Then in the afternoon it's perfect to get a little colour, or to chill under the patio umbrella. An iced espresso makes it even more lovely.

Because Casey is very much an in-and-out burger, I leave the screen on the sliding door open a little when I'm out there. She's also a little cat herder, for Missy and Buster who continually try to escape. Casey loves laying in the sun, chasing birds, and burying her bones. I'm glad the weather has finally made a turn for the better so we can all enjoy our nice yard.

We moved the lawns as well, and now the grass isn't all mangey (flat in the middle where Casey runs, and long on the outside where she does her business). I even filled up the bird feeders for our feathery friends.

I'm hoping for a nice, moderate summer. Not too hot (we still don't have, and don't plan to get, central air), and not too rainy. Mosquitos, stay away!

I've been a little pi-shy lately because my mind has been full with other stuff, but here's where I'm at now: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628

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