Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Senior Visitors

Mom & "Pops" are in town for a visit this weekend. It was also my dad's 60th birthday on the 10th. As a surprise, I planned to have a dinner for him with the other family that lives in Regina. He thought it would just be the four of us. Nice surprise, I'd say!

It was a nice dinner at Beer Brothers, and we enjoyed a nice visit with F, A, K and N afterwards. I even made a cake: cherry angel food with cherry jam and cool whip. It turned out really good, in my opinion! There are even leftovers :)

Now the seniors are tired and going to bed, and we'll be up for a bit trying to tire out the mutt. All-in-all, a good day. I even got a massage and haircut out of it. We'll see what else the oldies have in store for us the rest of the weekend!

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