Friday, June 1, 2012

Blessings in Disguise

Whoa, June 1st, where has the year gone?! The weather has finally turned, and it looks like we'll have a nice, pleasant weekend. That's right, I'm still staying positive and upbeat :)

My sore throat went away (thanks for the thoughts and/or prayers)... for a day. Then a stuffy/runny nose appeared. Oh well. The good news is, I don't feel very sick so will probably get over this one fairly fast.

Not being contacted to help with Mosaic was actually a blessing in disguise. Now we can plan for yard and housework, and some more house renovations. If I don't have to be out of the house on my feet, I can hang around sans makeup (or nearly), doing some puppy sitting and cooking for my man-slave to get him to do work for me. Sounds like a pretty decent plan!

Paul's even been working some overtime this week, so with the added costs (yet again) for the renos, we'll be able to afford it :)

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