Saturday, June 9, 2012

Words of Encouragement

As we drove back to Regina from the bustling metropolis of Silton, SK (see pic below) after attending a birthday party/get-together barbecue of some church friends, I read an email I'd received on my Blackberry. It was from someone dear to me and included some very heartfelt words. A few tears even welled up in my eyes from her honesty.

It was a personal e-mail but I will say that the topic was regarding motherhood and choices we make in life. I appreciated the words more than I can express. The part that continues to make me teary-eyed speaks about seeking God's advice in life decisions. I can't agree more and had to thank her in a reply note for her words of encouragement. They may not have been meant to encourage me, but they did.

I consider myself to be very accepting of others and the decisions they make, whatever they may be. Regardless what one does with their life, if they are truly happy and don't have any regrets, than the decisions made must be right. I'm going to remember I said that more often when I'm feeling low, because no matter what, it's not worth it if I'm not completely happy.

Friend, thanks again for your honesty and support. Now here's that map of where Silton is located. Quite a nice little drive, actually. On the opposite side of that skinny lake is the well-known Regina Beach. We'll need to get out there this summer.

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