Saturday, June 2, 2012

Delightful Demolition

Shortly after moving in to our house 18 months ago, we decided that we wanted to open up the area that passes from the living room/front entrance to the dining room/kitchen. Nothing major, just opening up the archways on both sides of the hall. Later on, we decided that the broom closet wasn't actually necessary for our needs so eliminating it also would give even more space. We just needed to get some other things done before we could tackle the job.

When I say we, I really mean Paul, obviously. I can't (and don't want to) do demolition or rebuilding. I'd rather tend to the pets and ensure my man has food and drink to give him the energy to keep working.

You gotta let your hard-working man enjoy renovations once in a while, so step one of this job -- DEMOLITION! The plan is to have everything done for when Paul's mom arrives in a few weeks, but if it can't be, that's alright. as long as we can progress on the job, I'll be okay with that.

Here are a few pictures of what's happened so far. Look for more soon!

1 comment:

  1. You are so brave. Looking forward to more snaps.


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