Sunday, June 24, 2012

MIL Day Two: Stranger in My Home

The most interesting part of the MIL's visit is that it's Paul's family spending time in our home, not mine. Other than nine years when we got married, Elizabeth has not visited us. My parents, however, have been in our home many, many times. They know me well, and I them. I have to remember that E simply doesn't know me like my parents or Paul do, so it's quite a different experience having her here.

All I need to do is say, "Paul, tell your mother..." and he does. It's hard to suddenly have someone new in your home and be a good hostess, especially when they don't understand my tendencies and oddities. I'm very glad that he's been more than happy to spend quality time with her, even taking her and Casey to the park tonight. Allowing me some time alone to do the things I do has been a real blessing.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm disliking our visit, because I'm not. I just don't want to hurt any feelings by saying "no thanks" and "it's okay, I'll take care of it". It's almost like having a guest in your house that you've never met because, other than knowing some things about them (or like Paul, having been reared by them), they might as well be a stranger.

So, I just hope our visiting "stranger" is enjoying her time and doesn't think I'm a right b-otch for wanting to do things my way and/or be left alone once in a while! Maybe once she and I get to know each other better, it'll go more smoothly.

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