Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Rib-Eating Moose!

Wow, what a whirlwind weekend. Kid-sitting, swimming, ice cream cake, and a birthday outing. And it rained AGAIN. No surprise there, but just so away already!

We were able to have an evening off for Paul's birthday and went to Montana's with friends J & P. Paul's beef ribs were HUMONGOUS but he ate them wholeheartedly, of course. And he polished off two beer schooners (just imagine a giant-sized beer mug). I guess I gotta let the old guy enjoy his birthday :) Look what happened when we were there:

We let the server know it was his birthday, so they all came out and "sang" him a birthday song and he had to wear the moose hat. LOL. He was so not happy about it, but it was a good time and he'll look back and laugh. Trust Montana's to make your day special!

To top it all off, there was a little fair right across from the restaurant, like a mini version of the Summer Fair, so we had a walk around it. I even got some mini donuts :) YUM. Not that I needed them after filling up on dinner, but I can't say no to those things. All-in-all it was a good night.

Today was more relaxing, and Paul primed the walls because he's all finished with the drywall and mudding. I'm really looking forward to it being done, especially because Elizabeth will arrive in a mere five days' time. I trust it will all be done by then, with time to spare. Anyone want to come help me clean my filthy house now? :)

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