Saturday, June 23, 2012

MIL Day One: Complete

It's always hard for me to get used to other people being in my house when they aren't usually. I have my particular ways of going about my day, whether it be during the work week or on the weekend. I clean my way, and cook my way, and grocery shop my way. It's simply out of my element to have others in my home for a stay. I have to remember not to be rude about it, but also make it clear that I'm sorry if I seem bitchy, I just need to do it my way.

The MIL has been really good so far, with nary an occasion where I felt stressed by her presence. The grocery store is my domain, because it's had to be, so with her there and then Paul showing up to tag along, I was a bit overwhelmed a few times. I like to get in and get out as quickly as possible.

I had a busy afternoon prepping for my Jockey party in the evening, and for the church BBQ on Sunday. She spent some time outside enjoying the beautiful day, and I turned down her offers to assist. No worries, she's on vacation and it's easier for me to do the prep work myself.

My party in the evening was a good time, and we had a nice turnout. I even got some great deals on clothing due to the overall sales. I'm looking forward to some new clothes (as any woman would). Elizabeth even had some fun and tried a few things on.

The wine and munchies were tasty, the attendees happy and eager to buy, and the weather lovely for an open-windowed evening. A good time was had, and Day One with the MIL is complete!

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