Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting the Hang of It

My Weight Recorder job is getting easier as time goes on. Instead of tallying up the month's results all in one shot on the weekend, I got about three weeks done for the Official book in the first three weeks of May. It's not a lot of work, that part, but I found some things I didn't have so it gave me time to gather the info.

This past weekend I still spent about 1-2 hours preparing for awards night, but I wasn't as stressed about it. There were a lot of awards given out this month, and we have a few new members to add in to the bunch, but I'm getting the hang of it.

I'll tell ya, it sure makes my job easier when I'm happy doing it! Thanks to my awesome chapter members and their fantastic weight losses, I'm more than pleased to be able to award them for their hard work. When they gain weight and are struggling, I struggle with them. Truly. I am as frustrated as they are, so successes make me quite elated.

I'm still having a hard time with getting to the meetings due to my carpool situation, and am quite stressed over feeling pressure to be there on time, ready to weigh people in. I realize we have lots of members, but I'd rather be busy for a straight hour if I didn't stress about getting to the meeting itself. We'll see how it goes but I may need to discuss my issues with our leader.

For now, I'm happy to support my fellow members while I try and take a few more pounds off my own tuchus.

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