Thursday, June 7, 2012


It's been raining a lot lately. Makes me remember what our yard looked like last spring after all the snow melted and we discovered it was low.

And then I recall our first summer in Regina, in our hood-house, when there was record rainfall levels. We were over at some friends' home and it just started down-pouring. It came down so fast that the streets flooded around the corners. A few stupid young people even started running around in the puddles without their shoes on. When we arrived back at our shack, we found water seeping in the basement from the sidewalk outside. Stupid, stupid, stupid horribly nasty hood house. We spent the next few hours pumping water into the sump hole and moving around boxes that had gotten wet. Yuck. I wish I'd taken a few pictures.

The winter that created the muckhole backyard as seen above came after that summer of rain. I'm not surprised so many city residents had claims for water damage in their homes that spring. All we had was some seepage that we cleaned up on our own. Now we continually run a dehumidifier in the basement from spring through fall.

So with all this rain, all I can hope for is that it goes away soon because I don't wish to be living in another muck hole!

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