Sunday, June 10, 2012

M.I.L. Time: T-Minus 12 Days

In just under 12 days' time, my dear mother-in-law Elizabeth will arrive in our fair city. I'm looking forward to it, and I imagine she is as well. It's been nine years since she was in Canada, and that was with Paul's dad for our wedding.

The trip itself may be somewhat stressful for her being that she's doing it alone and coming such a long way, but it's extremely long overdue. Billy was simply too large to travel such a distance, so (albeit unfortunately) now that he's gone, we're quite pleased she's coming for the visit.

I have a number of things already planned. We are busy people, you should know, and that won't change with her being here! I hope we all have a great time.

I'm just now trying to figure out what sort of funny thing we should put on a poster board for at the airport. The Scots are extremely sarcastic and rude (in a funny, non-mean way) so we definitely need a sign so she knows who's waiting for her. You know, like in the movies where all the car drivers have signs with the people's last names on them. I want one that says, "Auld Bag". Please, laugh at that because she will! I'll need to capture it on video and post it on here. *tee hee*

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