Friday, June 29, 2012

MIL Day Seven: Tabula Rasa

I forgot to ask Elizabeth how she felt about the drive from Regina to Pelican Lake, but have thought a bit about it now, after the fact. For us, it's just a normal five hour drive. For her, I imagine it felt like longer.

Scotland is known for it's winding roads, fluctuating topography, vast bodies of water, and varied foliage. In five hours (or approximately 400 kilometres), a Scot could go from Inverness in the north to Newcastle on the England border. That's quite a lot of ground. I haven't done that drive in its entirety, but have seen most of it and from experience, can state that the landscape is extremely interesting and always changing.

In the dark for half the journey, Regina to Ninette is an awfully boring drive consisting of straight, long roads, the occasional hill or turn, and millions of bugs committing suicide on our "windscreen". Normal for us, but probably not for a foreigner. At one point I assured her it wasn't much longer, and she sorta laughed and said her father used to say that... but it was never true. Well, it was eventually true for us!

It may be a long drive, but to spend a long weekend at the lake is somewhat of an ideal situation for us Gappers, especially now that we live in a "treeless flat plain (aka tabula rasa) without topographical features other than the small spring run-off Wascana Creek." (Wikipedia)

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