Monday, June 18, 2012

Furballs United!

Buster and Casey are in cahoots. I have every reason to believe that they are out to get us. This is serious, people!

On many occasions Buster has started "playing" with something on the table, just to swat it off onto the floor. Well, Casey just picks it up and runs away with it. I know that they're both laughing inside and are so happy that they "got us good". They're available for adoption effective immediately. Any takers? ... just kidding.

Those two love to hate each other as well. Actually, Casey loves Buster, and Buster hates Casey, so I guess it works. At least she loves running after him and he loves turning around and snarling at her. It's quite comical to watch. I think I have a little video of it somewhere... my apologies if I've shown this video before:

See what I mean? They are mental, cuckoo heads. As long as Buster doesn't give anything to Casey that's of worth, I'll probably get over it. Tonight he swatted our international calling card to her. I sorta need that, so Paul ran after her to grab it. Crisis averted, no worries. Good thing I love the darned furballs.


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