Monday, June 11, 2012

Farewell Digital Friend

Well, after eight good years, we said goodbye to our membership. While living in Brandon, we got a lot of use out of the DVDs, but since moving to Regina we just haven't. The main reason is that we now have things to do to keep us busy, both during the week and on the weekend. It's also easier to just download a movie when we want it or rent from the On-Demand. And cheaper.

A year or so ago I changed our membership so it cost less and we had fewer movies to watch and return. I still ended up with two DVDs to watch and no time to watch them. I try to not just sit around watching TV or movies as much anymore because the habit is what got me lazy and fat.

I'm actually watching our last one right now as I write this -- Coco Avant Chanel -- because I got a nasty email from Zip saying I'd better mail back the ones I have out or they'll charge my account for the full cost. Fine then! But it was quite the effort for me to sit down and just watch a movie for 110 minutes, rather than doing something on the computer or finding something on the TV or just reading a book.

I'm somewhat sad to no longer have the membership, since it's been so long that we've had it, but I think the liberation from constantly having to remember to watch and return DVDs will be sweeter.
Sent from my BlackBerry

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