Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MIL Day Five: Chicken 'n Ribs

The wind gusted up to 93 km/hr today, all day. It wasn't exactly a day for the beach, so Paul and the MIL didn't end up doing that, even though I suggested they do. I don't blame them! Wearing a dress, I had to tightly hold onto while outside it for fear of showing my lady parts!

I was able to skip out a few hours early to get a head start on my long weekend. Then was our TOPS meeting, but I didn't stay past taking attendance because we had dinner out planned. Can you guess where? Montana's, of course!

We had to make sure that Elizabeth got a taste of our favourite BBQ joint in town. She even ordered the chicken and rib combo. In true Montana's fashion, they didn't skimp on portion size either. I enjoyed my usual, as did Paul. There wasn't even room for dessert.

I found that, as soon as I knew I didn't have work the next day and could relax a little with my schedule, I was more easy going with everything. Let's hope that the next few days are much the same!

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