Friday, June 8, 2012

Ouch! Ahhhhhh...

I've been seeing a massage therapist again. So far it's been three sessions. This is since I stopped going to my chiropractor/acupuncturist/laser therapist because one of those benefit ran out. Not only that but I wasn't getting any better from his therapy. There really is no point is wasting a benefit when it's not fixing my problem.

So I went back to where I started, Cathedral Sport Massage, to see if some deep muscle manipulation would help. I do feel better after seeing my therapist (the fourth one I've seen at that clinic), so I'll continue to go once or twice a week as long as my condition improves.

I can't remember if I've written about my problem, so in case you're wondering what the heck is wrong with me, I'll tell you. It's a combination of repetitive strain and (what we think is) an injury that caused my right arm/shoulder to spasm one morning, rendering it nearly useless. I can use it, but I have constant issues with my shoulder, neck, and arm. Thus the therapy.

My chiropractor and I would joke that the only thing that would truly help would be to stop working, because work was making it remain "injured". Then I would say that I should just get pregnant... oh wait, that wouldn't work. Not only would I need to WANT a baby, I'd need to be able to pick it up. Hmm. Guess that won't work! *LOL*

Anyway, the massage feels good after the pain subsides. I laugh about it because when I began getting therapeutic massages, the pain was quite intense and I would only feel better after it was over. Now I actually get the endorphin rush during the pain. What can I say, I've become quite the massage masochist!

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