Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MIL Day Four: Puppy Love

Well it's official, although I guessed it a few days ago: my doggie loves her Granny. Casey loves everyone, true enough, but when they stick around and play with her every day, she adores them even more.

Elizabeth likes animals, thank goodness, so all my babies have become close with her. She gives them affection, so they request it more and more from her. Missy even did her wee pouty bit that we usually put up with at dinnertime, saying "meow, pet me", and the MIL obliged her. How nice for Missy to get all spoiled like that.

I thought of going out to see "Brave" at the theatre tonight, as we didn't have anything to do and it's been so hot and muggy that any outdoor activity was unfavourable. Unfortunately, the show ends later than I'd like to be out for the evening on a work night, so we decided instead to watch something that Paul had downloaded. She picked the film "Paul". If you haven't seen it, it's about an alien and two nerdy English guys. It's pretty funny, I'd say, and she enjoyed it.

Well, the point of the movie story is that, during the show, Casey snuggled up to Elizabeth instead of me, her momma. I was jealous, to be honest, but it shows she really loves her new "mate". The MIL mentioned, when I made a comment about it, that Casey has been cozying up to her each night that she's been here.

Sure I'm a tad envious of the snuggles that I'm not getting, but it's really nice to have the extra help when Casey needs to be played with. I've written before about her energy level and being frustrated at times, so I should enjoy the help while it's here. She never tires of the furries, that's for sure!

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