Monday, June 25, 2012

MIL Day Three: Slow Food

Today Paul spent the day with his mother while I worked. I hear they visited the RCMP Heritage Centre, Value Village, and had lunch out. Not sure what else they did, but I'm sure they played it easy considering the heat and humidity today. You'd think we lived in Manitoba or something!

Although I try and stay away from eating out from Sunday to Wednesday -- for the simple reason that I don't know how many calories are in the food that's prepared so I can't count them -- but Elizabeth wanted to. Hey, no problem; she was going to buy.

I decided that it would be easiest to find some place near where I work, as there are plenty and I could walk over once finished up at the office. Wet met at the Slow Food Pub and had a nice dinner. I really like their 1/2 pizza and salad combo. Not only a good price, but probably a safe bet for someone not sure about the calorie count. I wasn't full, but was satisfied. Just enough room to add a piece of fruit or some berries at home.

I really am pretty tired today. Not sure why, just am. I'm pretty happy to just climb into bed in the next hour and read my book. It's quite humid still, but at least the sun has set and the wind is still blowing. MIL Day Three was... uneventful for me!

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