Saturday, June 30, 2012

MIL Day Eight: aka Lake Long Weekend

I got to visit with my dear old grandparents! Too bad we live so far away now, but at least I can fit in a wee chat when we're in the "neighborhood". And I get to see them in a month too!

Unfortunately the boat had some issues we we didn't get it in the water until after dinner. Then a mile away from the cabin, just off the shore of another point on the lake, it died. Good thing dad had a few paddles stored. I definitely burned some calories rowing us away from the rocks to a safe spot. Too bad for us the boat wouldn't start, no matter what, but very lucky us that a (very nice looking) man and his young boy were fishing nearby from their spiffy Glastron and offered to give us a tow.

After more than 90 minutes we arrived at the yacht club and he wouldn't even give us a name for us to pay him back. Thanks, dude! Best that we just pay it forward to another.

A few bug bites and some skin colouring later (thanks Mr/Mrs Sun), we had a nice time regardless of the boat situation.

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