Sunday, July 1, 2012

MIL Day Nine: Dana Grumpy Pants

Okay I'll just say it, I wasn't in the best of moods all day. My reason is simple: I'm used to having "me" time at least for a little while each and every day. Even if it just means washing my hair and reading a book and not thinking about what anyone else is doing. I haven't had that for ten days. For me, that's far too long, so I was grumpy.

I definitely wasn't acting like myself and I apologize for those it affected. The day was literally the most perfect for boating, and we didn't have one to use. It was hot, and I hate the heat when I have to sit in my own sweat. I wasn't eating my usual foods and the bed wasn't my own. Every little thing was grating on my nerves and I couldn't handle it any longer. Feeling extremely stubborn and unhappy isn't my idea of fun.

I'm not blaming any one or any thing for my attitude, it was just a culmination of many things into one that turned my smile into a frown. I hate to say it but, as soon as I was home again, back with my little furry family and Paul, everything was much better. The truth of the matter is, I simply can't handle having a house guest for as long as we did, followed immediately by a weekend away with even more people.

Enough said, I'm sorry for being a poopoo head!

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