Monday, July 16, 2012

Fighting the Frizz

Happy Monday to you too, Mother Nature. Thanks a lot for MESSING UP MY HAIR WITH ALL YOUR BLOODY HUMIDITY! Seriously! What an awesome start to my day.

All you curly-haired divas out there will totally understand my frustration on humid days. Why bother going to all the effort of straightening out my locks, just to end up with a nasty wave by the time I get to work? Today made me realize, once and for all, that I really need to buy one of those mini flat irons. They're like, $20, so a definite must-have for girls like me when a hair re-do is necessary.

I wish I'd taken a "before" picture. I seriously did NOT look like myself ten minutes ago. But my hand dandy Rusk helped me get my sexy back, yes ma'am. Now I feel MUCH better. No more frizzies, curlies, afros, etc.

The right side of this poor female's hair looks like how I felt mine looked today. Now it's much more like the left, but even straighter and more awesome. Can you tell I feel much better now? It's like I'm a totally different person when my hair's smoothed out.

My sister once said that I "have a straight hair personality". I thought it was quite funny at first, and didn't really see it, but now I do. My hair is a part of me, especially my personality, so when it's not doing as it's told, I'm simply not myself.

Say what you want about curls, but I don't mean curls totally suck, just the frizzies! Dang, I really wish I'd taken a picture for you to see what I mean. Next time I will, I promise! It was Nasty with a capital N!

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