Monday, July 9, 2012

Casey the Swimmer

Our lil pup pup sure loves swimming. She's jumped into the Wascana Creek on many an occasion when we stop by the dog park, and got to play in a real Manitoba field dugout during July long. With the heat the way it's been, and will continue to be for an unknown period of time, it's due time that we put out the kiddie pool and fill 'er up.

With it only being half full, Casey eagerly jumped in to grab the balls we threw in. This year she also learned to just jump right over the side going in and out, rather than taking the steps we made. Either way works, as long as she gets out properly (rather than pushing down the side and draining out the water).

I'll need to get a good video of her playing in it. It sure is nice for her to be able to cool off right in her own backyard. She's always so hot in our house, so this cool treat will be a blessing this summer. Yay!

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