Friday, July 20, 2012

Sights and Sounds of the City

Inflatable clown, you wave in the wind
While teenagers do some freestyle rapping
They take no mind

Super-chunky, put on a bra!
That dress is gonna fall down
And you're getting odd stares, I'm tellin' ya

Mmmmm tasty and healthy
I should get me some Booster Juice
Like that nice, young hippy

They're loud, they're proud
They're from abroad
Those asian "gangstas"
Sure like their cars looking like hot rods

White and Pink
Pink and White
Mother and daughter "Dress-the-Opposite Day", I think.

Hmmm I wonder where they're going?
Those sure are some full backpacks
Drifters, I suppose, or something.

Hey dude, you're name is Zeke!
Nice of you to put it on your shirt
At least we know you're not... Zuke?

If my pocket was a bit large
I could seriously put you in it
You cute, little foreign lady you!
That doesn't rhyme either, does it?

Do you ever frown?
Does your perma-grin hurt?
Your teeth are kinda brown.

Dude, your hair is pretty long and stuff
And you and your friends need some colour in your wardrobe
Can I join your (presumed) band? Black makes me tough.

Sweet, free bus ride!
'Nough said.

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