Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Techno Woes

Don't you just love technology? These days everyone owns at least one cell phone or PDA, one computer, and numerous other devices. They don't always work 100%, do they? Very frustrating, I'd say.

I had to initiate a ticket to our help desk today for a problem I'm having with Microsoft Excel. They did some upgrade recently, and now simple functions no longer work. I sure hope they fix it soon. All I know is, it's being looked into. My Blackberry has also been doing some odd things, but I hope it's just the program I'm using at the time, not the actual device. At least it's still under warranty if something serious is wrong.

I was outside playing with Casey and Paul comes out to say we "have no TV". I ended up fixing the issue on my box upstairs, but his is a mystery downstairs. He's currently on hold waiting for a representative to answer our call. Normally if one is out, both are out.

Another issue happened at work this afternoon, right near the end of the day. It means that the payroll that's confirming their stuff had to leave it and go home. Now they'll need to log in from there to see if the issue has been fixed. At least my payroll wasn't affected today! I just hope it's working tomorrow when I get in.

It's funny that we have to hire all these people, all over the world, to fix problems with our technology. Whether it's a server or the software or a piece of hardware, something always seems to be going wrong. However, I try to imagine our lives without these things and it seems incomprehensible. Back in elementary school, it was a treat if we got to use a computer. Now I do everything on one. Interesting how things change.

I guess as long as technology is around, we'll have our issues with it. I just wish we didn't!

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