Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Cheerful Church

We quite like our little church. Well, it's not so little, but it's not as big as our last one in Brandon. It's just right.

The pastor is a genuinely nice person, albeit a bit scattered. His wife is also extremely kind and caring. They're both jokers and enjoy getting out on the road with their hair (or lack of it) in the wind, on the pastor's motorcycle. They are generous and honest and well-liked.

I'm also happy to be part of their worship team and have found a certain few people I really enjoy being in a group with. Sure, there are others that generally rub me the wrong way and can be annoying, but the good outweigh the bad. It took me a while before I came out saying I'd like to be considered if they needed another singer. I'm glad I did though, even when I don't know the songs so well or we're short on instruments to fill out the sound on stage.

Paul hasn't taken on any volunteer roles, but he's really good about coming and participating. He's also made some friends! When there's a men's breakfast he gets in on it, but who can say no to a $2 breakfast?! I also attend the women's breakfasts and enjoy the fellowship.

Fate brought us there too, which is quite nice: we attended only one other church before I sought out Pentecostal churches in the city. Avonhurst happened to be nearby and looked like a nice size, so one Sunday we just tried it out. We're now even closer -- only 3-4 minutes drive -- and we enjoy going there even more.

It all worked out and I see us attending for as long as we live in Regina, however short or long that may be.

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