Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthdays and Friendship-Building

It was my friend's 29th birthday on the 6th. Now she's an official member of the "29 Forever Club". It's nice having Facebook so that I can send her well-wishes and see what she's up to. I look forward to seeing her again soon as she moves back to Canada in a few months.

It's someone else's 29th birthday this month. Too bad I don't consider them a friend anymore. I'm still quite bitter over the whole thing, even though I keep telling myself to just forget about it. Maybe there's some tiny shard of reconciliation available to grasp. Maybe not.

The situation is so stupid, so petty, so high school. In fact, the fact that we didn't make up is only due to both of us not wanting to accept the other's opinions as fact. We're both right and we're both wrong, but we both don't want to back down. I feel like too many times in my life have I settled because I didn't want to argue about it. This just isn't one of those times.

Sure, there are lots of people out there in the world that I can be friends with, but when you spend a number of years cultivating something just to have it go up in a puff of flame and smoke, it's hard to let it go. It's like building a house on your own and getting it all decorated, just in time to have it burn down. So frustrating and hard to move on from.

So as my high school friends all celebrate their 29 Forever birthdays this year, I'll ponder the relationships I do have and try to remember that in the grand scheme of things, a little girl fight is nothing to get my panties in a bunch for.

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