Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Anti-Green Thumb

I don't consider myself to have a green thumb. In fact, I'm more likely to have a purple thumb, which I consider to me the anti-green. Plants are nice to look at, but I have some difficulty keeping them alive.

Inside plants are much easier than outside, because I prefer to be indoors. At least I see them and occasionally remember to give them a water. Even at that, I still nearly killed one of my ivy plants this past year. I'm now nursing it back, slowly but surely.

The only garden I'll ever have will be a tabletop one. Paul will need to build me one first, but if he does, I think I could take a stab at growing a few things. The hardier the plant, the better off it will be at my house.

I've been staring at my god-awfully ugly front garden for a while now. It's only the length of half our house, on the front, next to the deck/front door. There are a few plants in it, no thanks to me, but 90% of the monstrosity is weeds and a few overgrown bushes. Motivation hit me this afternoon so I got out my gardening gloves (yes, I actually own some) and a foam mat to kneel on, and grabbed a big garbage bag and some hedge clippers. Half an hour later, with the help of a shovel and a rake, there are only a few tidbits of weeds left, the bushes are trimmed back, and the dirt has been turned. I have to say, I'm quite proud of my achievement!

I'd like to say that next year, I'll plant a few hardy plants, but honestly, I will probably fail on that promise. I should probably buy something that requires next to no grooming and just fill the space up. Maybe ferns, or something. Heck, feel free to suggest something! Considering I made it out only once this year, and the same last year (also to just clean it up), don't suggest anything that takes ANY time!

So, maybe my thumb isn't entirely green, or it wouldn't be if I just tried a little harder. For now, I'll just say it's purple and stay indoors :)

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