Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Note for Ma Mére

M aker
O f
T reats,
H ugs and
E verything
R ememberable

That didn't really work out how I'd planned, but the letters in mother aren't exactly easy to use. Oh well, the point is that I wanted to write this blog in honour of that special lady I call "mom".

With the superpower of Craftiness, she whips up cute cards and letters like a breeze. I sure love getting them in the mail, even when they cause a tearful reaction from the kind words found inside. Her creativity is inspiring, and I'm a little envious of it. I'm glad she has the ability to create beautiful things out of nothing, and that she loves to share them with me.

She may not have been the best cook when I was younger, but she always tried her hardest. It's okay, mom, because of you, I thought I liked everything well-done for many years! I still enjoyed eating 98.5% of what she cooked for us, and appreciate what she did tremendously. Having married a non-chef, I understand the work that goes into preparing a meal every day and some days it's not so easy.

Struggling with leg cramp issues as a child, mom would come to my aid many nights, massaging my poor gams until I could go back to sleep. Without her, I would have lain awake for hours, completely uncomfortable and unable to get relief. Only in my twenty-sixth year did I come to learn about Calcium supplements to "cure" my problem.

There are lots of other reasons why mom is the best, but I hope she knows them. I just want to say, thanks for putting up with me, for teaching me about life, and for supporting me all the way. I miss being able to see you more often too, but at least we can be in touch with the click of a mouse or a brief phone call!

Love, Dana

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