Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reading is Fun!

Did I mention that I'm currently reading book four of five (so far) of George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series? If you keep up with my blog, you may recall me mentioning how awesome the books are. It's just taking a really long time to read them. Without counting, I think I've probably read at least 3000 pages so far among the four. That's a lot of words!

Did you know that Cuba has a literacy rate of 99.9%? That's incredible! Canada's is 99%. Too bad that means for every one hundred people, one can't read. Sad but true. The U.S.A. also has a 99% literacy rate. I somehow assumed it would be lower, however their population is also a lot higher so that means more people are illiterate overall. According to Wikipedia, Mali has the lowest rate at 26.2%. Knowing what I do about poor African countries, this really is not surprising.

I've always loved to read and only stopped doing it for fun during college and then for about four years after. I just didn't get back into it. That was until The Hunger Games came out, and the series I'm currently reading. Paul isn't much of a reader, but I plan to be for the rest of my life. I better be cause I've got so many books to get cracking on!

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