Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot!

65 years ago on July 5, 1937, the highest recorded temperature in Regina was recorded. That afternoon, as the heat made its' peak, thermometres across the city reached a staggering 43.3 degrees Celsius. And that's without any humidex! Today didn't reach that, but it was still plenty hot.

We reached 33 degrees today. Lucky us, with no central air! Actually, we've been doing alright as long as we keep all doors and windows closed, blinds down, and air circulating during the day. At night I can at least open a few windows to let some fresh air in.

This is the second house we've lived in in this city that has had few windows available to open. We have a large picture window in the living room but only one side has a small window. The rest is just plates of glass. The master bedroom is much with same with half opening and the other not. The office and bathroom at least have normal windows. The kitchen, if you've been here or have seen in my albums on Facebook, has a window but it looks out to the garage. We have a screen on the sliding door to the deck, but can't leave it open all night long due to the security system.

We can't all be so lucky to have central air. This being the third summer in Regina, I'd have to say we're faring pretty well. The weatherman/woman says that the temperatures will continue to soar through to next week, so all we can do is keep the air moving, drink lots of water, and don't move a lot. Good thing I like being lazy! *laughs*

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