Thursday, July 26, 2012

My 1 Year KOPS Anniversary

Today marks day 365 of my KOPS journey. I made it to my goal on July 27, 2011 and have never looked back.

The past year may not have been what I expected, but I can't get down on myself for it. Initially, I planned to lose about ten more pounds. It seems my body had other plans. The lowest I've been in the last year is 4.5 pounds below goal; the highest is 1.5 pounds above goal, which occurred the week immediately following my KOPS achievement. No kidding. Guess I celebrated a little too much that weekend!

I know there are things I need to do in order to lose the weight if it's truly something I want. The most important item: cardiovascular activity. I can say that I have upped what I walk, but I've also been more naughty in what I eat. If I can just cut back those food items, and keep with the walking, I'm sure I could lose the weight. I guess the issue really is that I must not want it that bad.

I don't really want to buy more clothes, but even the summer capris I bought last spring before getting to goal are a size too big now. The best thing to do is get through the summer and wait to see what happens by next spring, when the new year's goods are out. If I'm still the same size, I suppose it's just time to buy a few new items. My tops fit fine, but my butt and waist shrank just enough that belts are a necessity. I don't really like belts.

Whether I lose more weight or not, it's still been a great year of staying around my goal weight, not going out of leeway, and being a good example for others. I have to remember the positive stuff!

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