Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ardent Anticipation

It may have taken more than six months to achieve, but I finally feel like I am both of value, and am being appreciated for what I do at work. This year has been difficult for me. During one month, I seriously questioned my place on the team and was "keeping my options open" by seeking out other opportunities. I strongly believe in fate, however, so after not finding anything else to go to, I stuck it out and am now in a much happier place.

Legal Day One is still pending, but we're on the brink. I'm not worried about the workload ahead, only about possibly having to alter my plans for time off in August. My head is in a good place and I feel I have what it takes to continue on in the job I'm doing. We've hired a replacement for the third member of our salaried payroll team that left in April: "J", whom I know from college and referred for the job. It's temporary, but for now this works for both us and her. I'm looking forward to teaching her (almost) everything I know!

I have to remember to keep my head up, continue working hard, make myself invaluable, and show the new guys just why I need to permanently remain in my job or be promoted. Many people are afraid of change, but I'm very, very accepting of it as it often opens up doors. Heck, I hope it opens a couple windows too!

All in all, I'm doing much better than a month or two ago and am eagerly anticipating what's yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Great attitude Dana. Keep your chin up and your stick on the ice. Tee Hee.


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