Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunny, Funny Saturday

The kids and I were very busy on Saturday. I'm glad the sun was shining and temperature was pleasant enough for us to spend some time outside.

After a simple breakfast and some more puppy playtime, we headed out. First stop was to gas up the car. The kids brought along their stuffed toys so kept themselves busy. Then we stopped by their house to get some decent clothing.

That was the funny part: their bags were packed TERRIBLY. I mean, I don't have kids, but I would pack them, at minimum, a toothbrush, clean pair of underwear and socks, pyjamas, and one each of shorts, pants, t-shirt, and jacket. That ensures they're prepared for all types of weather, but have clean clothes to change into. Let's just say, they both got up and put on exactly what they were wearing the day before. Paul tries to do the same thing, so maybe it's just me, but I was mortified. Blame this on their loving uncle (sorry, J)!

So yeah, I made them both strip down and put on clean clothes. Then we went shopping at Value Village. I thought it would be fun to get them something "new" for summer, and would take up some time in the day. Both kids got a new outfit and a book. Then they got to enjoy a a Happy Meal and some playtime.

Their favourite part of the day followed some more playtime at a small park outside a local leisure centre: we went swimming! My eyes were burning from the chlorine, and I was soooo tired from not sleeping enough (oh, by the way, I had to deal with TWO nose bleeds, one occurring at 2:00 am), but they got well-played out. The ride back to their grandparents' house was very quiet. One kid even fell asleep :) BAM. Job well done, Dana!

I'm not interested in kid-sitting again soon, but we could do it if we had to. They were a lot of work, but we had a good time.

Here are some pictures of our day:

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