Thursday, June 14, 2012

Me Old Man

Wow, my old man is getting OLD! Tomorrow he will turn 37. Time sure flies. I met him when he was 27, so a lot of time has passed already.

How has he changed in the last ten years, you ask? In these ways:

  • he's greyer
  • he's fatter
  • he's smellier
  • he's got more road rage
  • he cuddles less
  • he's stronger
  • he's smarter
  • he makes more money

And how is he the same?

  • he still loves meat
  • he still loves pasta
  • he still dislikes vegetables
  • he still doesn't know when I hide certain things in his food...
  • he still loves furry animals
  • he's still addicted to his computer
  • he still doesn't know English

Gotta love the guy though. He did move all the way to Canada to be with yours truly!

Here's to you, Pauly, and to many, many more years of your griping and complaining :p HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

***note: my post title is not a typo. Paul talks like that, "me wee wifey", "me dog", "me house", etc.

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