Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cleaning up for Mum

Whoa holy mother, Elizabeth will be here tomorrow! There's so much to do and so little time!

Paul was a very good boy for me, considering we lost a good night of work from him due to the one day out of town. I did a decent job on my own, but being tired meant that I didn't do as good a job as normal. He fixed most of them, and painted a whole other coat on the new walls. He also finished up the flooring, and put back some of the trim.

Luckily I was able to get at cleaning the bathrooms, readying Elizabeth's room, and sweeping up the floors. She's an animal person so I'm not too worried about de-furring all my furniture. I'll just be happy if the toilets and sinks look good and all the dishes are put away.

The weather is turning out to be quite spectacular (finally), which is so wonderful to have considering the whole point was to have some Canada summertime with her.

We're both really looking forward to her visit. Not only to spend some quality time with her, but to get all the stories from back home that there never seems to be enough time to share over the phone. I expect it won't seem like it's been four years since we saw her, but will be extremely bittersweet; without Billy, it won't be the same, but at least she can visit much more easily, more often.

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