Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weeknights with Casey

Paul went out this evening on a job with his buddy. That's pretty exciting. It's the first one that he's doing as a sub, and getting paid what he's worth -- finally. I'm really happy about the work, especially because he's doing it with someone he gets along great with. I'm not as happy with him being out after dinner, however.

I may have commented about this in a prior blog. My difficulty comes with Casey. I love that dog so, so much, but she can be so very annoying and will test my patience. Paul is great with her during the week; I spend time with her on the weekend. With him not around in the evening, I have to make sure she gets played with and cater to her scratching on the back door, even if it's just because she heard something interesting outside.

I know, kids are way more work, but for now, this is what I've got and the routine has become such that I don't have to worry about Casey Monday to Friday. If Paul's out working, the routine will simply change and we'll get used to something new. He was at least kind enough to take her out twice before leaving, so I'm pretty sure she'll get tired out for a while. That gives me time to blog, have dinner, and enjoy my Thursday night television (aka "do nothing night").

Once things get more regular around here, we'll all forget that it was ever different. Until then, I may be a little tired and frustrated!

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