Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grass Fire

While eating our dinner just a little while ago, suddenly all the power went out. It freaked me out, that's for sure, because we don't have central air and therefore rely heavily on the power being on to turn the fans that move around our air. I promptly called the outage line and was told about a nearby grass fire. Apparently they had to cut a few lines and didn't have an estimated time that we'd have power again. The only thing we could do was open up the screen door and pray our lights would turn back on again soon.

Not two minutes later, they did. Thank you God for that! Here's a picture of what we can see from our house:

A lady I know that lives a few blocks closer said she could see actual flames. Our next door neighbour said they were higher than the gas station next to the area with the fire. Freaky! Now I can see why all the sirens were a-ringing as fire trucks and police cars headed in that direction as I was cooking dinner. Hopefully they can get it under control. I'd hate for some disaster to happen, like the gas station to blow up or something crazy like that. It's a Co-Op, I like it there!

Paul actually just came up to tell me it was on the news, so I checked it out. I also found a picture online (left). The flames ARE quite big and they're hoping it doesn't spread to the Co-Op lumber yard. I also hope the power continues working tonight. I appreciate SaskPower for re-routing us very quickly. We've only had an outage one other time, at the beginning of last summer, and it was brutal.

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