Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back Home From Camping

This morning we rose with the sound of crows (as per usual around there, I guess), had some breakfast, and packed up our site. It didn't actually take very long, so we left by 10:00 am. The ride home was uneventful, but it did take a little longer than planned due to backed up traffic and an inability to pass.

Casey was very happy to see us, and very dirty. I've bathed her since we got home and she not only smells better, her fur isn't gross anymore. I don't know why she always gets so dirty at that kennel! At least she enjoyed herself.

The cats are also happy we're home, being their typical annoying selves, especially when I try to type out my blog... thanks, Buster.

Here's the link to my Facebook album so you can check out our weekend happenings. The site was pretty nice, and the weather was almost perfect (a tad warmer would have made it great). We definitely learned some things, like items we need next time, and others we don't. It was nice for us to just get away and not fight and not have animals to take care of and to not have to worry about what to do. Being bored was the best part of the weekend and we fully enjoyed it.

Picture link: We Went Camping: August 2012 Edition

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