Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anniversary Campers

Guess who's going camping tomorrow? Me and Paul, that's who! I've done it before, I can do it again. In fact, this time will probably be much easier than the last. Since it's our anniversary weekend and we haven't been able to get away yet this summer, it will be nice to just leave the city behind and head out to the middle of nowhere.

Last year we went camping with a group. The site had no power and no utilities, just a stinky outhouse. I didn't shower for two days, nor did I get to wash my hands normally (thank goodness for hand sanitizer). We also took Casey with us and couldn't just let her off-leash. It was sorta fun (thanks to the company), but otherwise quite gross. I much prefer a Hilton Suite with down-filled pillows and a king-sized bed :)

Either way, we're going to go camping and we're going to have fun. The temperature has cooled off a bit in the last week, so I'm taking lots of blankets and some warm clothing. I'm also taking my human hot water bottle (Paul!) so we'll be just fine. The only disappointment is that the Madge Lake Golf Resort has a tournament starting tomorrow so Paul won't be able to golf. I'm sure we'll find things to do instead, like hiking, spending time at the beach, etc etc.

The packing has mostly been done and we're looking forward to the weekend ahead. Don't try to call because we won't answer, and we'll reply to all emails and messages when we get home on Sunday!

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