Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping Day Two

My day started off with having to wait for the cleaning crew to finish up their job in the "good bathrooms". When I finally got in, the shower sucked, but at least I could rinse off. I wasn't worried about my hair as we were just camping after all.

We ate a nice breakfast of farmer's sausage, eggs and fruit, and just hung around the site for a while. I wanted to go for a hike, so we sought out the trail. It turns out high water levels have basically demolished the trail, so we didn't get very far until having to turn back. We found another trail, but it had the same problems. And there was some crazy freaky stinging nettle patch that I was worried about! At least we got out for a bit of walking. Otherwise we just drove around the camp in the morning, checking out the other sites. We discussed getting a small camper for ourselves in the future, nothing big, and coming out there again.

After lunch we decided to try out a canoe ride. It was cheap, and there wasn't much breeze to speak of, so we hopped in a canoe and set out. I thought we were gone for at least 45 minutes when we got back, but it turned out to be only half an hour. I was pooped by then! Oh well, it was half as cheap after all :)

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and playing with the fire pit. Paul also had a nap and I was able to get in some quality reading time. It was a pretty good day, even with our noisy neighbours.

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