Friday, August 17, 2012

Camping Day One

It sure is nice to take an extra day off work to get an unscheduled long weekend. We rose bright and early to get the rest of our stuff packed up for our camping weekend. Casey was dropped off at the kennel, we filled up the car with gas, and went on our way. It was a really nice drive up to Duck Mountain, even the part where Australian GPS lady figured we should take the "scenic route". I'm really not sure why, because it looked longer on the map, and was on poorer roads. Either way, I enjoyed that part of the drive.

The afternoon sun wasn't very hot, as it's been cold around these parts lately. At least it was sunny! Paul got the tent all set up, and I did the rest. We only had one set of neighbours to speak of that afternoon, which was nice. We definitely enjoyed the peace and quiet and serenity of nature.

That only lasted until dusk, when a big truck pulling a camper and a boat pulled up next to our site. Booooooo! They had kids, and were very noisy. Carol (the wife) had quite the annoying voice, and the whole evening she wouldn't shut up. We went to bed, but the noise continued and I had a rough night. It didn't help that I was very cold, even with the layers of clothing and blankets. The day just wasn't warm enough at its peak to heat up the tent for the night.

Either way, we sure were glad to roast some hot dogs on the fire, to nosh on some waffle cones for a treat, and to just spend some time together in the quiet, sans pets. We definitely could do more of that.

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