Monday, August 27, 2012

Life's Newest Chapter

Well my spouse is now a business owner. That's funny. He never thought he'd be one, but I thought I would. Huh. How do ya like them apples?

We still have a few things to take care of to ensure he's covered by WCB and can professionally manage the business if he gets any jobs, but the first hurdles are over. The hardest part was convincing him that it's a great idea to have a name registered to legally do his own sub-contracting on the side. He finally picked a name as well -- Gemini Contracting -- so I'm happy we can move on.

He hasn't talked to anyone about getting jobs yet, but his construction buddy just happened to call him up this afternoon regarding some potential opportunities, both for new employment and for sub work on the side. I really don't care what he's doing, as long as he's happy, it's legal, and it makes us some money so we can do the things we want without having the debt.

I guess since Paul's the owner, I'll just be his "Administrative Coordinator". That's about the fanciest name I can think of for a secretary, but I'll likely be much more than that. Consider me part owner/manager/controller. I'm the one with the business diploma and experience! Can you tell I'm a tad jealous? Hmm.

Either way, I'm super happy he's decided to take this next step in his life and start out a new chapter. If you don't make the decision, life will just keep on going as-is forever, and that's simply too boring and meaningless. I'm looking forward to what's next for us both!


  1. I'm just here to remind you that you have the very same opportunity for business-owning as Paul...and perhaps an even better opportunity, since you're the one with the biz brain... Think on it! You just need a vision and a plan. And if you're quick enough you still qualify for certain government grants for people 29 and under!

  2. You are right except I'm quite happy in my new career and one family business is more than enough for me.


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