Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Bourne Date Night

Paul and I happen to be fans of the "Bourne" series of films. We both haven't read the books, but we've really enjoyed watching the trilogy unfold over the years with Matt Damon at the helm playing the lead character. The Bourne Legacy just opened in theatres this past Friday, and we had some gift certificates to use, so that means date night! The movie was pretty good, but it definitely was different to watch a Bourne movie without the main star.

To give you some background information, the book series ends after the third, but with the success of the movies, I guess film producers decided to get another one written. Keeping in line with the story told in the third movie, "Legacy" moves forward but stars a new character, played by Jeremy Renner of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol et al. He was totally believable in his role, and did a great job. There were some excellent fight scenes, and a few explosions, and the movie ended with lots of room to continue with a fifth installment.

If you're a Bourne fan, definitely go see this one. Because it was written as a true sequel, the story just keeps on going and will make you want to see even more.

We enjoyed ourselves on this date night! I look forward to the next one.

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