Sunday, August 12, 2012


After spending the last few months fighting off the heat, my body has officially gotten climatized to summer. Actually, it was first obvious to me last weekend when I spent most of the time being cold.

Since it heated up across our fair country, our indoor temperature has settled in around 25 degrees Celsius. It would drop down to 22 or 23 occasionally, but for the most part, it's been a hot summer. Now that my body is so used to it being 25 all the time, especially during the night, I get cold when it dips a few degrees. For example, today was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day. The high got to something like 25, but next to no humidity. I went outside with Casey at one point, wearing a tank top, and got a chill. Sure, the sun was shining, but in the share, I was simply cold.

I just hope that once the temperature starts dropping this fall, I will get accustomed once again to the change. I am still a fan of winter, so I better not spend the entire time feeling like an icicle!

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