Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Fast Two Years

I completely forgot that today marks my two year anniversary with Viterra. That has got to be the fastest two years of my life yet. Although it was quick, when I think about it, I definitely have learned two years of information: my brain seems to be bursting some days!

If you read my blog regularly, you know that I've had my struggles. Overall, however, the experience has been much more positive than negative. I'm still so very happy that they gave me the opportunity to show them what I had to offer. Sure, I still want more and hope to get it, but I appreciate the chance I've been given.

Some days I just want to bang my head on the wall, or throw my computer at the wall, or push people against at the wall... but from all those moments, I just learn something new. Every day offers a chance to start new, and to learn from mistakes made the day before.

I'm sure you'll be hearing more about my job soon, as long as the big deal gets finalized before the end of the year. Then I hope you'll hear some good news for me personally! Who knows?

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