Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Thankfully, the funeral I attended today was most uneventful. The place was packed full, with seating set up right through to the front door, outside the main sanctuary (can I use that word for it being in a funeral home?). We could see the service well enough, and could hear it perfectly fine due to a good speaker system. The theme was mostly lighthearted, and I didn't shed even one tear. Sure, there were a few moments when I thought I was close, but I just keep thinking of kitties and puppies and played the chopsticks tune in my head.

The only crappy part of my afternoon was getting a blister on one toe on the way to the car to go to the funeral. Doh! It hurt pretty bad. Since the day wasn't over when we got back to work, the dress code went out the window and flipflops it was. Meh, whatever.

Speaking of owies, you should see the nasty bruise I have on my right forearm. It's turning all the shades of the rainbow and is tender. I'm sure I'll be fine though. It got bruised when I was trying to pull out a baby tree from under the deck on Sunday afternoon. I had stuck both arms through the plastic lattice, and when I pulled really hard one last time, it jerked my arms and they rammed upwards. The left arm is only slightly purple. My main worry was that I'd broken my arm right around that spot 22 years ago, and I'm still somewhat sensitive about it. It's just a bruise though, so I shouldn't worry so much.

I also strained my leg muscles from all my Sunday weeding that day, from bending over from the waist and pulling up the uglies for about an hour. I couldn't kneel because it was in a rocky area and I didn't know where Paul's kneepads were (he was out helping a buddy build a deck). The soreness is actually worse today than yesterday.

I feel pretty banged up, to be honest, in different areas of my body. I guess sometimes when it rains, it pours. I'm sure that by the weekend when we go camping, I'll be back to normal, whatever my normal is.

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