Friday, August 24, 2012

TGIF: Happy Hour (s)

The week may have gone by fairly quickly, but any Monday to Friday employee is quite happy to leave work at 4:30 for the weekend. I was no exception to this. My newest co-worker, whom I referred to in a prior post, and I planned to go out for Happy Hour and were looking forward to catching up.

Beer Bros. was busy as it usually is, but we found a comfortable spot and were able to enjoy some great food and drinks. I even tried cider for the first time and decided it is quite good! It was nice to talk openly about work and the people we work with and all sorts of other things. I sure don't get out much, so I have to do that more often.

The funnest (?) part of the night was when we parted ways to go home. Since I was literally steps away from the bus stop, and the ride was only 15-20 minutes home, I'd told Paul not to worry about picking me up. As it happens, the bus was ready and waiting for me. What I didn't know, however, is that the evening ride takes on stops from another route as well. My 20 minute ride became 45 after a scenic tour of Uplands. Please, laugh about this, because I have to to avoid begin angry about it. I mean, I could have been home in so much less time if I'd just gotten off at a particular stop that was a ten minute walk home. I thought to myself, "no, what if I get jumped or something, let's just wait to see where this bus goes". Well, it did end up going down the street I'd hoped, just in a very roundabout way. This is reminding me of my last bus adventure in the south end...

All-in-all though, I had a really great Friday evening. Cider, appetizers, good conversation, and fresh air, followed by a heartfelt "welcome home" by Miss Casey J. Dog Nairn :) I look forward to the next time!

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