Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Weight Loss Success

My "Regina momma" reached her goal weight at TOPS tonight. It was such a relief, mostly for her of course, but also for the rest of her chapter-mates who have been rooting her on since she began her journey nearly five years ago in the fall of 2007.

I imagine it helps having a spouse that's also in our group, and a daughter that is a trainer. I know that TOPS itself helped her the most, as it helped (and continues to help) me. She lost almost double the weight I lost, and she looks fantastic. I honestly can't even believe that it's really her in the old pictures I see. She's not a big lady to start with, so add about 80 extra pounds and she really becomes a different person.

I'm so very proud of "S" for finally reaching her goal. I know it was a tough journey, and will continue to be. It's always so great to welcome a new member into our KOPS "circle". Congratulations, and keep up the great work! You are an inspiration to all!

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