Monday, August 13, 2012

Nairn Family Contracting... I Wish!

Paul has been urged to think about becoming a sub-contractor so that he can get some more meaningful work that pays him better that what he's currently doing. I agree, so I was very glad when he got that advice. It's a new endeavour, however, so Paul has been mulling it over. I think we're about set to go ahead with everything, but there are a few steps involved.

I have an education in business and experience in HR and remittances, so I'm not scared at all about this new opportunity. I've wanted Paul to do business for himself for many years, so the fact that the person I consider to be his mentor said he should, that just solidified my thoughts. It's hard for a man to believe his wife sometimes, but just ask another man to tell him the same thing and, badabing badaboom, done.

The first major step is to decide on a business name. He could just operate under a business number or his own name, but he doesn't want to. I can understand that. If this venture works out, the small cost at the start to get the name may prove quite beneficial. Unfortunately it won't be Nairn Family anything though... *sad face*

I'm just happy for Paul to be open to trying something new. He doesn't have to "jump naked into the pool", but he can get his feet wet, get a few jobs under his belt, and make a name for himself. He does know what he's doing and wants more in life than what he's got. I would greatly appreciate the added income as well.

We'll see how it goes, but maybe soon I'll be able to say I'm married to a businessman!

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