Sunday, August 5, 2012

Old Friends, New Visits

15 years ago, on our last family vacation to British Columbia, we stopped in at the home of some old friends of ours from Campbell's Trailer Court. I personally hadn't seen them since then but got to yesterday. They were in the area for a family wedding so were able to pop in for a visit at the cabin. "E" simply has not aged at all. In fact, I think she even looks younger now than 15 years ago! It's amazing that she's a grandmother to four, with the oldest being ten. She looks younger than me! It was nice to see them though.

The temperature was nice, but the wind was much too strong to enjoy a boat ride this weekend. Regardless, I enjoyed my visit with mom and dad and some other old friends. The drive home was uneventful, to say the least, but comfortable. The cup of coffee I drank in Virden even held me over until bedtime.

I do want to say "thanks" again to those members of my family that fed me and let me stay overnight. It was nice to get away from home for a few days and do something out of the ordinary.

Now back to the real world...

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